Tablet market is changing. There are more and more cheap devices of this type with Android. Interestingly, Larry Page – Google CEO supports the idea of cheap tablets.

Google Logo
iPad still rules the market and no one is predicting this to change soon. However, it appears that the you can compete with Apple tablet, just by setting your price low enough to attract consumers. In the second half of last year a lot of cheap tablets with Android appeared, with a lot of success. The best example is the Kindle Fire for $ 199.

Larry Page, Google chief sees potential in low-cost tablet with Android. Thus, the Mountain View company believes that it is worthwhile to focus on them. It is not surprising, because Google is preparing its own tablet, which also belong to these category. Remember that the Nexus will cost in the range of 149 – 249 dollars, and we expect to debut this summer.

Google Nexus Tablet

Ladies and Gentlemen, do you know who Eric Schmidt is? This man was once a board member at Apple and CEO in Google – two most important companies in the world of Internet tablets. Because of it, he has access to first hand information about new product releases. In an interview with Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Schmidt said that the first tablet with Nexus logo will be released in no more than six months. Quoting Eric Schmidt, “In the next six months we plan to market a tablet of the highest quality.” This might not be the a confirmation on a Nexus Tablet, but we will find out soon enough.